Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy

The Policy of Estampaciones Metálicas MOYMA, S.L. (MOYMA), dedicated to stamping, drawing, cutting and welding of metal parts, is defined based on the expectations and needs of our customers and interested parties, and the nature, magnitude and environmental impacts of the activities, products and services developed.

It includes therefore, the objectives and commitments of Quality and Environment, appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization.

For this reason, MOYMA has decided to be certified under the IATF 16949 and UNE-EN ISO 14001 standards and thus improve the quality of the products supplied to customers in awareness with the environment, increasing in turn their satisfaction, always taking into account compliance with all requirements, including legal requirements, both applicable to processes and products (including those relating to product safety), as well as environmental ones.

In order to comply with the commitment of continuous improvement and that our customers continue to trust us, MOYMA bases its policy on the following points:

  • To achieve CUSTOMER SATISFACTION by detecting their expectations and needs, maintaining a close relationship in order to have knowledge of the function of our products and thus achieve a better adaptation to their needs.
  • To correctly define the requirements of raw materials and products or processes subcontracted to our SUPPLIERS in order to achieve, together with a continuous evaluation of them, a higher quality in our supplies and environmental compliance on their part.
  • Detect and provide TRAINING and MOTIVATION to the staff, thus involving all employees and coordinating efforts to meet quality and environmental standards and customer needs.
  • Reduce non-conformities in our products with the goal of achieving ZERO DEFECTS.
  • Optimizing processes for CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT, taking into account pollution prevention, consistent with the life cycle of the products, and minimum scrap generation.
  • Detect and provide the technical and human RESOURCES necessary for the proper performance of MOYMA‘s activities, being, therefore, always informed of the latest technologies to be more competitive every day.
  • Collaboration with the rest of the interested parties to comply with customer, internal, legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Promote Corporate Social Responsibility as a mechanism to improve the relationship between Moyma and all stakeholders.

The commitment of all with the legal regulations in force, the prevention of accidents at work, the concern for the environment, the training and information of the personnel, the organization, the discipline and the continuous improvement, must be pillars that allow us to make our company more and more competitive.